Zip 2 in 1 wood firestarter

Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter: Review

There are times when I want a fire to be a one step process. Usually it’s when I have guests over and decide to have a fire last minute. If I’m busy making appetizers or cocktails I’d prefer to pile up some wood in the fireplace, light it, and walk away. The Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter allows me to do that. It replaces both paper and kindling, and burns for 45 minutes. It’s made from just wood and wax, so it’s 100% natural. All you have to do is throw a few logs on it and light the bag. It will light damp wood too, which is nice because often times the bundles you buy around town aren’t properly dried. If you want less hassle in starting a fire, the Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter is worth a try.

Zip 2 in 1 wood firestarter
Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter
Zip 2 in 1 wood firestarter
Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter
Zip 2 in 1 wood firestarter
Zip 2 in 1 Wood Firestarter

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