Walking Maple Cinnamon Ritz Dessert

There’s something that just works about salty crackers and maple syrup. This walking dessert is really easy to put together, and the Ritz crackers could easily be swapped out for the various flavors of Ritz sandwich cracker flavors. This campsite dessert will make the perfect ending to your evening. We call it the Walking Maple Cinnamon Ritz Dessert. Maple yogurt can be difficult to find, but it’s really worth the search. If you just can not locate it, make your own by whipping about half a teaspoon of maple syrup into a cup of yogurt.

Walking Maple Cinnamon Ritz Dessert
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 1

  • 1 Package Mini Ritz Crackers
  • 1 Squeeze Maple Syrup
  • Generous Scoop Dry Maple Oatmeal
  • 1 Pinch Cinnamon
  • 1 Generous Scoop Maple Yogurt

  1. Open snack size package of Ritz Crackers.
  2. Squeeze maple syrup to taste
  3. Scoop dry maple oatmeal into bag.
  4. Add a pinch of cinnamon.
  5. Top the bag off with a generous scoop of maple yogurt.
  6. Insert spoon & mix.
  7. Enjoy!


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