UST TekFire LED Fuel Free Lighter: Review

The UST TekFire LED Fuel Free Lighter deserves a spot in your campbox.

It seems like every year we see yet another way to start fires that are claiming to be the next big thing. Most of the time it just adds more hassle and unnecessary gear in your pack. The UST TekFire Fuel Free Lighter is different because it acts exactly like a regular lighter does, with one big difference – it’s rechargeable. We like this lighter for the same reason we like rechargeable headlamps. We can charge them up before heading to the campsite, and we know exactly what to expect. In addition to that, the UST TekFire has a few other features that come in handy. There is a built-in LED light that is perfect for navigating around the campsite late night. There is also an attached paracord that works great as tinder if you can’t scrounge any up. One other thing worth mentioning is that elevation doesn’t affect the performance. A lot of people pick them up if they’re going to be camping above 8,000 feet because hey, it’s chilly up there and you need to get that fire going ASAP.

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