Sweet Tea Limeade Mojitos

Adding fresh ingredients to any cocktail will definitely take the flavor up a notch. We love mojitos in the summer, and figured we’d put a slightly different twist and flavor profile on this one. Fresh limes, fresh mint and another summertime favorite – sweet tea, make this a drink unlike any other.


Sweet Tea Limeade Mojitos
These are the flavors of summer – limes, mint & sweet tea. Enjoy!
Recipe type: Cocktail
Serves: 1 Drink

  • 2 oz. Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Vodka
  • 6 oz. Limeade
  • 5 Fresh Mint Leaves
  • 3 Thin Lime Slices
  • Splash of Club Soda

  1. In the bottom of your glass, muddle lime slices and mint leaves
  2. Add ice to glass
  3. Add Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Vodka
  4. Add Limeade to Glass
  5. Top with a splash of club soda


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