Roadside Challenge : Maine

It’s now become part of 50 Campfires Field Trip tradition. As Nick and Clint travel the various regions of the country, they’re stopping at convenience stores and gas stations. Most present them with new foods and flavors they’ve never tried before.

The challenge is for one of the team to walk into the store and come out with a food the other has never tried – preferably for $2.00 or less. Then back in the Nissan, there’s an on the spot taste test.

Sometimes the foods are real winners! (Who doesn’t love a whoopie pie – the official snack food of Maine?) And some … well, just listen to Nick’s reaction as he takes his first sip of Moxie – the official soft drink of Maine.

Clint takes his first bite of a whoopie pie - the official snack food of Maine.
Close up of a label on a bottle of Moxie - the official soft drink of Maine. Even they admit it's an acquired taste.
Nick's reaction to his first sip of Moxie. He's definitely NOT acquired the taste.


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