Pumpkin Spice Smores

Fall is here again, and the pumpkin spice bandwagon is making its rounds. Are we going to get onboard? Of course we are! In fact, we’re going all in by making our own pumpkin spice for pumpkin spice Smores! You can of course buy pumpkin pie spice at the store and the s’mores will still be delicious. However, if you mix your own spice the flavors will pop in a way that will surprise everyone around the campfire.

For the Pumpkin Spice:

3 Tbsp. ground cinnamon (bonus points for grinding your own)

2 tsp. ground ginger

2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1 ½ tsp. ground allspice

1 ½ tsp. ground cloves

Can’t you just smell it already? All you have to do is mix it up in a small container.

For the Pumpkin Spice Smores:

You already know how to make S’mores. Here’s the tweak we like to introduce in the fall. Instead of a chocolate bar try the following:

½ cup Nutella

1/8th tsp. pumpkin spice (more to taste)


Mix that up and smear it on a graham cracker. After you mash that roasted marshmallow on there you’ll be in pumpkin spiced smores heaven. Scouts honor.

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