Pie Iron Sandwich

Pie Iron Sandwich – Ravioli with Garlic Toast

I tend to easily get sick of all ‘traditional” camping food and try to make camp cooking fun with new ideas and meals to try over the fire, on the grill or on the camp stove. When cooking over the campfire we love to use pie irons. They also create great meals from breakfasts to desserts. If you don’t have one yet, check out the Rome Industries 1705.

When preparing for our last camping excursion I was looking through the cupboards for pie iron recipe ideas. Stowed away in the way back of the cupboard was a can of beef ravioli. That got me thinking, what if we made a pie iron sandwich out of that? Beef, marinara a little bit of pasta. I imagined it would be like a meatball sub or baked Italian dish. To go all the way in with this idea, garlic bread was needed in place of regular bread. After the first pie iron sandwich was made, and devoured we knew this recipe was a keeper!

This is a great recipe for camping because it is so simple to make, both kids and adults like it and it of course it is delicious!

pie iron sandwich
Pie Iron Sandwich – Ravioli with Garlic Toast


1 can beef ravioli
1 package Garlic Texas Toast
1 tablespoon shredded cheese
Cooking Spray

Spray the pie iron well with cooking spray, Lay a piece of Texas Toast on one side of the pie iron. Spoon 2 raviolis with marinara sauce on to the Texas Toast and sprinkle with cheese. Put the second piece of Texas Toast on top of the raviolis. Squeeze the pie iron shut and place near the coals of the campfire. Cook for 2 minutes per side. It is always good to check the progress before flipping so you don’t burn it. Once cooked, slide the sandwich out of the pie iron and on to plate. Let cool and enjoy!

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