delrome inreach SE

Keep Connected With The Delorme inReach SE

The DeLorme inReach SE is product to keep you from getting lost and to keep you in touch with family and friends while out camping. The InReach SE offers both GPS and two way text communication by satellite. If you are out backpacking, hiking or camping in a remote location you may not have phone service, but want to be able to communicate with the outside world.

delorme inreach SE
Delorme inReach SE

We love that it has a color screen and the controls are very straight forward and simple to use. We found that the GPS works great and can find your coordinates in around 10 seconds. You can also set it up where those coordinates get sent to someone every 10 minutes for only .10 per message. People can also ping you, to find exactly where you are at. We think that is an awesome feature and it only costs .10 per time. You are easily able to send and receive text messages up to 160 characters. If you really want to share your trip with the universe it has the ability to connect to both Facebook and Twitter. They have some really affordable service plans whether you need year round coverage or just one month at a time.

One of the coolest features is the fact that you can link up with your smartphone or tablet with the Earthmate App. You can then use your smartphone or tablet to send and receive messages, reviews maps, send an SOS signal and more. To top it off it’s waterproof, dustproof and impact resistant.

If you want to keep your family and friends informed of your whereabouts on your next adventure, or need an accurate GPS with the peace of mind of knowing that you can always call for help in case of an emergency, you’ve got to check out the Delorme InReach SE.

Price: $299.95

See The Delorme inReach SE In Action

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