Honey Stinger Smores Bring A New Twist To A Classic Campfire Treat

Swap out the graham crackers and make Honey Stinger Smores.

Honey Stingers are made in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and no energy food – new or old – embraces the mountain lifestyle more. Honey is a great natural form of energy that is full of antioxidants and natural carbohydrates. They’re perfect for a post hike snack. Honey Stingers are great on their own, but Honey Stinger Smores? Now that’s a Colorado Rocky Mountain High!

Looking for some other ways change it up? Check out these crazy Smores recipes.

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Honey Stinger S’more Recipe
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Campfire
Serves: 1

  • 2 Honey Stinger waffles (we went with original honey, but any of the flavors are great)
  • About a heaping tablespoon of Nutella
  • 1 perfectly toasted golden marshmallow … or two if you want

  1. Open two Honey Stinger packets (they come one to a packet)
  2. Spread the Nutella evenly across one waffle … or double up and go for it.
  3. Toast the marshmallow and pull it off the roasting stick between the to Honey Stingers.
  4. Cut it across the middle to share … or not.
  5. Enjoy.


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