Gear of the Year Awards 2016: Alfa Pizza Forno Ciao Wood Burning Pizza Oven

The Camping Authority Announces Annual Gear Award for the Alfa Pizza Forno Ciao Wood Burning Pizza Oven.

We didn’t dig through the archives (because we’re all looking-to-the-future types) but as far as anyone on the 50 Campfires Gear of the Year selection team can remember, this is the priciest item on which we’ve ever bestowed a GOY honor. That in itself created some debate. But the list of reasons why the Forno Ciao Pizza Oven deserves recognition was 10 times longer than the one reason it didn’t.

The two biggies that kept popping to the top are:

  1. It breaks down into three easily transportable pieces! Imagine rolling into a campground, setting up your campsite with all the usual gear. Then you assemble the Forno Ciao. You stoke it up, and as it comes to temp you whip up a spicy pie or two. Into the oven they go. The smell of wood-fired pizza wafts over neighboring campsites and beyond. You crank up the tunes, somebody brings a cooler of beer, and somebody else brings a box of wine. Suddenly, your setup is the happening campsite – thanks to the Alfa Pizza Forno Ciao Woodfired Pizza Oven.
  2. LOOK AT THIS THING! The authentic Italian design is drop dead gorgeous. Think Ferrari. Think Lamborghini. Think Sophia Loren – of the portable pizza oven world.


Alfa Pizza Forno Ciao Wood Burning Pizza Oven
Alfa Pizza Forno Ciao Wood Burning Pizza Oven

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