bulldog hot dog recipe

Bulldog Hot Dog Recipe For Camping

bulldog hot dog recipe
Turn a regular hot dog into a Bulldog Hot Dog by following our simple recipe

Hot Dogs and camping go together like peanut butter and jelly. It is almost a must to make hot dogs over the campfire. We camped almost every weekend as a child and if my memory serves me right we made hot dogs over the campfire or on the grill at least one time in the weekend.

But as we grow older, and our palette broadens, hot dogs tend lose their allure. I probably went through a year stretch where I just couldn’t bring myself to eat a hot dog. Don’t let this happen to you! I finally decided that on our next camping trip the tradition would be reinstated. But with a twist. I thought through why I had trouble eating hot dogs. It wasn’t because I didn’t like the taste, they just weren’t exciting anymore. So my plan became to make hot dogs more exciting again. And what better way to do that than with starting with some crazy toppings and seeing what meshed well together. One thing I do like to use is an all beef hot dog, it just seems to be more plump and add a little bit of flavor. This Bulldog Hot Dog Recipe is one of the many combinations I found worked (and was delicious)!

It really is an easy camping meal. There is not a ton of prep work involved, everyone can dish up themselves and create the meal that works best for them. I have even found that kids really enjoy the Bulldog Hot Dog!

Bulldog Hot Dog Recipe
The Bulldog Hot Dog is a great treat

With only 5 ingredients this super simple recipe will add a little flair to the traditional hot dog. I love to go camping, but as with most people I don’t want to spend my weekend getting food ready when I could be relaxing and enjoying my time in the great outdoors!

Bulldog Hot Dog Recipe For Camping
A great twist on the traditional hot dog! Perfect for that weekend out camping.
Cuisine: American

  • 8 Hot Dogs (preferably All Beef)
  • 8 Hot Dog Buns
  • 10 oz Creamy Coleslaw
  • 1 can chili with beans
  • ¼ white onion, chopped

  1. On the camp stove or over the fire, use a saucepan to heat up the can of chili with beans.
  2. Fire up the grill, place hot dogs on grate and cook for 5-8 minutes, turning a few times. Butter the hot dog buns and place interior side down on grate until lightly browned.
  3. Serve hot dogs in buns with a spoonful of chili with beans, coleslaw and mustard.


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