Surprise! Family Comes Home to a Bobcat in Their Dog’s Bed

An Arizona homeowner was taken by surprise on Monday when he came home to a wild bobcat cozied up in his dog’s bed. 

Speaking to Arizona’s 12News, Nikola Zovko first thought the animal in the dog bed was a stray cat who had somehow snuck into the house. But as he got closer and heard growling, he realized he was dealing with something much more dangerous. 

Bobcats, which can weigh up to 40 pounds and live throughout North America, have a reputation for being elusive. But just because they’re shy doesn’t mean they can’t pack a punch. Zovko took one look at the animal’s sharp teeth and claws and knew he needed to keep his distance.

So, he quickly rounded up his other pets and cordoned them off in other rooms. He then dialed up the Arizona Game and Fish Department while leaving his doors open, hoping the big cat would simply leave on its own. 

Instead, the intruder stayed put for about an hour, seemingly content in its stolen dog bed. As Zovko waited, the bobcat attended to some unrished self-care, “cleaning himself and licking himself,” said Zovko, “acting like a cat”.  According to Fox7 Austin, the animal likely entered the home by way of an open doggie door.

Unfortunately, the bobcat’s comfort came at the price of the family pet’s safety. Zovko’s dog, a chihuahua-dachshund mix named Squeakers, was left with deep wounds from an apparent scuffle. Squeakers survived the attack but was badly injured. When the bobcat finally let himself out through an open door, Zovko took Squeakers to the vet. The pup received stitches and is now well on the way to recovery.

“He’s very fortunate to survive,” Zovko told 12News.

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