Slumberjack Big Timber

Slumberjack Big Timber Pro 0: Review

Of all the pieces of camping equipment you purchase, this is one that you do not want to skimp out on. I can’t stress the importance of putting money into a really good sleeping bag.

We all camp in a variety of climates throughout the year, but as a Minnesota native who also loves traveling, I personally need to put money down on a sleeping bag that’s going to keep me nice and warm throughout my chilling expeditions.

Slumberjack’s Big Timber Pro 0 is one of these awesome sleeping bags I’m referring to. It’s cozy, comfy, and even features a “Big Toe” foot box that allows you to sleep on your back with your feet up in a natural position.

Big Timber Pro
Slumberjack Big Timber Pro

Functionality: The “Toes-Up” is an excellent feature that adds a ton of functionality to this bag. By creating extra room at the bottom of the bag, you can finally sleep on your back without having to scrunch your feet/toes to form to the bag. It creates a ton more room at the bottom of the bag without actually making the bag larger. I also love the ability to zip two Big Timber Pro’s together. So grab a (good) friend and head out!

Ease of Use: I am a big fan of synthetic sleeping bags. They are easy to clean and give me more versatility in terms of weather. The Big Timber Pro 0 features Slumberloftâ„¢ Synthetic Insulation making it extremely easy to maintain. Synthetic insulation dries much faster than down and washing a synthetic bag is much easier for the everyday camper.

Durability: The durable poly-canvas outer shell is impressive. The Big Timber Pro is equipped with a soft flannel liner, durable canvas outer shell and robust slippers. The zipper also features anti-snag construction, which I’m all for considering I’ve owned a few sleeping bags in my time that ended up with broken zippers, leaving me defenseless on a few awfully chilly nights.

Value: I’ve owned the cheaper versions that keep you mildly warm and are somewhat cozy, but personally I would rather spend a little bit more to make sure I get a solid, good night of rest when I’m camping. At $119.95 you get an awesome bag for a super low price. Trust me, it’ll make a world of difference if you wake up well rested with no knots in your back.

Big Timber Pro
Slumberjack Big Timber Pro 0

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